My Park Bench


On the park bench

My father and I sat

He gave me seeds

And the geese did their work


On the park bench

I gazed at the first signs of Spring

The hummingbird built its nest in the tree

There was no one humming for me


On the park bench

I kissed the girl with braces

She tasted of Listerine

I cut my lip


On the park bench

My wife and I held hands

I imagined how our son would feed the birds

She said “keep dreaming”


On the park bench

I watched seasons pass

People came and went

The wood still held the weight of my ass


The familiar path

I walked yet again

The man in the yellow hat smiled once more

“Don’t worry, we’ll find another”


Don’t bother

There is no other


My park bench

Set to sea

I jumped in the cool

For those warped, rotting pieces of wood


Put it back together

I definitely tried

A puzzle collection, that doesn’t work

“Here, let me hold you”


My turn to return the favor


Listening without a word

Comforting without a complaint


I appreciate you

My park bench

*I took the featured image while walking back from class. I pass those benches every day, but never have I thought to sit in them. That will have to change.

14 comments on “My Park Bench

  1. iggy23 says:

    “The hummingbird built its nest in the tree

    There was no one humming for me”

    These lines here just reminded me of something I like to write about – it’s so dreary. I really liked this poem because I think I can relate to the sort of theme it speaks about. That park bench really means a lot to you (not sure if you do have an affection for a particular park bench) and the poem sums it up well. The most important moments in the person’s life is spent on the bench and when it gets removed and thrown away, he does his best to save it and restore it. A very sincere poem and it might just give me some inspiration for my next depressing short story 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • royyman32 says:

      First I was inspired by the picture of the park bench and not utilizing it when it was in a great location with great scenery. Although I do have many fond memories of park benches where I used to play basketball and that definitely contributed. I’m glad I could give you a little inspiration 🙂 Best of luck with your writing.


  2. I love so many things about this…first the simplest picture inspired such beauty in your writing, and second I loved seeing the bench’s life as I read. The bench “lived” such a full and impactful life. It touched so many lives and saw so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. GolNaran says:

    So beautiful, that directly touched my heart.
    I admire your great pen.
    The photo is excellent.

    All the best, ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. neanic-nomad says:

    “The wood still held the weight of my ass”

    I couldn’t stop giggling like a small child, beautiful poem and creative use of the parking bench.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. BahjaThinks says:

    “I kissed the girl with braces

    She tasted of Listerine

    I cut my lip”

    How evocative. Simple yet so clever!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You are immensely talented. These were precious lines 🙂 I love how I just lived a whole life reading one poem.

    Liked by 1 person

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